
What tasks occupy community corrections staff’s day?

Evaluating Washington State's community corrections staff workload


In the early 2000s, 华盛顿州惩教局(WADOC)进行了两项工作量评估,目的是确定与社区惩教工作相关的关键任务和完成这些任务的时间,并利用这些数据来告知履行社区惩教司(CCD)职责所需的资源数量.

Over 15 years later, WADOC试图复制这项研究,以更新和考虑实践中的进步, 包括那些从个性化社区导向问责协作帮助(iCoach)模型中实施和待决的项目, to reevaluate staffing need. To facilitate this process, WADOC chose 趣赢平台 to conduct an updated, full-scale workload assessment of staff members who conduct the responsibilities of CCD. 项目团队使用以下研究问题来帮助指导总体工作量评估:

  • What are the most common tasks/activities performed by staff?
  • How much time is associated with these tasks/activities?
  • Are there identifiable tasks in which staff report sacrificing quality for timeliness?
  • 鉴于近年来工作的变化,目前的人手水平是否足够?
  • What are the facilitators for staff to complete tasks?


趣赢平台团队使用了与文献一致的方法来进行全面的工作量评估, and it can be summarized into 5 key stages.

  1. 在项目开始时成立了一个咨询委员会和各种小组委员会,以推动人员分配决策. Ten subcommittees were formed, each representing a specific staffing type. 研究小组在几个星期内会见了小组委员会,以便了解所有职业组的各种工作活动.
  2. 完成了一项任务分析,以确定工作人员所进行的影响共同协调机制工作量的活动的详尽清单. 这是开发用于从工作人员参与者那里收集数据的研究工具的关键步骤.
  3. 然后进行了为期4周的时间和动作研究,在此期间,工作人员参与者根据活动花费的时间记录了他们的工作日. 基于网络的工具还收集了有关活动的其他背景因素. 趣赢平台团队开发了一种独特的基于网络的仪器,主要用于收集数据,作为时间和运动研究的一部分, 但它也保留了有关总体评估的其他资源,供工作人员参与者随时查阅. Staff participants used an exclusive study ID and password to access the instrument.
  4. 对工作人员参与者进行了时间不足的网络调查,以帮助进一步了解组织的系统性不足. 这项调查只针对参加了时间和动作研究的员工. It allowed staff to provide their perceptions on various matters, including whether they had enough time to complete daily work activities, challenges associated with completing those activities, role strain, job satisfaction, and occupational climate.
  5. 工作量模型是根据从时间和行动研究中得到的输入数据产生的,以计算跨各种职业组的人员配置需求估计数. The 趣赢平台 team customized these models based on the preferences of WADOC. 协调中心提供的其他行政数据也列入模型,以确定工作人员需求估计数.


The 2 most common categorical activities for all staff were administrative and casework. On average, 每次行政或个案活动的发生总共需要40到45分钟, with about 25 minutes of that time spent actually performing the activity.

近一半与被监管个体的再犯罪风险水平相关的活动涉及的人被评估为2个最高水平-高, violent felony; and high, violent, property and drug felony. 那些受监督的人参与的活动平均花费的时间也最多.

Staff participants did not perceive any challenges for 70% of all documented activities. Of those that were noted, the most common challenges were competing responsibilities, miscellaneous interruptions, and inadequate staffing. 还有待观察的是,这些挑战的发生是否与州的某些物理区域不成比例,还是涉及特定类型的受监管个人.

在时间充足性调查中,不同社区惩教人员对这些量表的态度没有统计学差异. However, there were statistically significant differences between attitudes of CCOs, supervisors, support staff, and records staff toward these scales. Overall, 在压力方面,首席事务官和主管往往比记录或支持人员更有可能拥有更多的消极态度, job satisfaction, role conflict, role ambiguity, and work overload.

Finally, 根据工作量模型得出的工作人员需求估计数表明,各职业组别需要增加近200名工作人员才能满足共同协调委员会的工作量. 近三分之二(65%)的额外工作人员需要在三个病例管理组之间, which primarily deal with activities associated with supervised individuals. It is important to recognize that the models are estimates based on a variety of inputs, such as population counts of supervised individuals, and the estimates have included practical adjustments to ensure their accuracy.


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